10, Jul 2021
Why Remote Work is the Future

Businesses saw a massive shift in the workplace in 2020. Before, major companies offer the ability to work from home as an added perk. Due to the global pandemic, it has become the norm. 

There is an estimate that about 75% of workers from companies will be working remotely at least 5 days per month by the year 2025 rolls around. While remote work may be the theme for the years 2020-2021, some experts believe that this is just the start of an upward trend. 

Remote/Work from Home Might Be Permanent 

The year 2020 everyone has made workers scramble to create comfortable working spaces in their homes. Some become creative when they don’t have enough space at home and look for a coworking space hot desk. However, this may still be an upward trend even when the pandemic eases out. The number of coworking spaces for rent have been on a steady rise before the pandemic, and the number of remote workers are expected to double in 2021. 


The work from home setup has indeed proven that there are meetings that could have been email. The evolution of technology that allows fast communication and collaborations may limit the need for on-site meetings and work in the future. 

Comfort & Productivity 

There are other people who may find it more comfortable not just being able to work from home but be able to dress down and save the travel time of going to the office and sleep longer instead. This comfort can also increase productivity in a similar way when working in an office, if not more. Businesses took notice of this, which is why remote working is seen to still rise. 

As people transition to the new normal, it’s important to be extra prepared. Seek out different options to stay productive as you work remotely. 

For more information,visit: https://www.thegaragesociety.com/