3, Jan 2019
Cold Brew Coffee – How Healthy It Is?

If love cold brew coffee,you most likely recognize that the extraction is totally different than the classic brewing methods. When it refers to water temperature,you are just looking for “room temperature.”

Cold brew is brewed by submerging very coarse ground coffee in water at room temperature or colder. Since water is very cold we need to infuse for over 12 hours. At the end of the brewing time we then remove the coffee grounds for a clean cup. Compared with hot coffee,cold brew coffee it is never subjected to high temperatures.

There exists confusion involving cold brew vs. iced coffee. Even though practically they are both served cold,there really is a huge difference when comparing the two.
Iced coffee is just about any coffee beverage that was refrigerated and is served with ice cubes. If you want to prepare an iced coffee,you can use cold or hot brew,or even espresso,if you want. The most important thing is to cool the coffee.

On the other hand,cold brew is coffee that was certainly not warmed in the course of preparation. This is what makes it unique and it offers its special properties. We can serve cold brew coffee at room temperature,or cooled with ice cubes.

The most common preparation solution is immersion that is used in both home and commercial preparation. This is the simplest procedure and the most efficient.
A distinct cold brew preparation method is Dutch cold brew,which is also called cold drip and implies dripping cold water over a bed of coffee grounds,similarly to hot-brew coffee procedures.

One thing to remember is that cold brew at room temperature is fairly distinct from the one made in the cold storage and this will make a difference in how much flavor you get in your coffee and how fast it will be ready. You need to fine-tune your steeping time accordingly (10-16 hours at room temperature; 16-24 hours refrigerated).

The extraction in cold water changes the composition of the cold brew coffee,and we get in turn a cup of joe that is a totally different beverage from your regular drip coffee,or espresso.
This particular difference is the subject of a very hot debate around the health benefits of the cold brew coffee. cold brew coffee proponents say it is healthier than your commonly boiled coffee. Here is a list of the supposed positive aspects of cold brew coffee:

  • Smoother taste,low in acidity.
  • Better caffeine absorption.
  • It’s more rounded and less acidic.
  • Stomach-friendly compared to hot brewed coffee.
  • Better antioxidant.

The heated up conversation was taken into the research field where two scientists uncovered the reality supporting the cold brew promotion.

This is how the scientists at the Thomas Jefferson University, have undertaken the task to shed some light on the subject matter. For more on the subject read this article.

30, Dec 2018
Benefits of Active Hexose Correlated Compound

Benefits of Active Hexose Correlated Compound


Active hexose correlated compound, otherwise known as AHCC, is a substance that occurs naturally in a certain species of mushroom. These mushrooms, which include shiitake, are known as basidiomycetes.


AHCC has been used as an antioxidant and is available in a supplement form, such as Healthy Drops Liposomal AHCC. The research on the health benefits of active hexose correlated compound has been limited, but there are many claims that it has a range of health benefits. 




Uses for AHCC


AHCC is big in the world of alternative medicine. Itâ s said to strengthen your immune system and help your bodyâ s defenses fight off viral infections, such as the common cold and the flu.


Itâ s also been suggested that it can possibly protect people from cancer and can assist in reducing side effects cancer patients experience when going through chemotherapy. Lastly, it may also have the potential to help treat those suffering from hepatitis and help prevent heart disease.


Health Benefits


There have been very few clinical trials to test the potential AHCC has. The early preliminary research has offered the same findings as alternative medicine has. It has certain health benefits that can be very helpful.


?       Supports The Immune System


A small clinical trial conducted in 2008 shows AHCC may help boost immunity, according to a small study in Nutrition and Cancer. The study had 21 volunteers that were all healthy take either a placebo or an active hexose correlated compound supplement for four weeks. By the end of the study, those who took the supplement had a significant increase in the number of dendritic cells, which provide additional immune support.


?       Suppressing Cancer and Chemotherapy Side Effects


A report published in the Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology from a 2009 study with animals, shows that it may be able to reduce specific side effects of chemotherapy. During this, research mice who took AHCC experienced little to no signs of bone marrow suppression or chemo-induced liver damage. While promising, it hasnâ t been verified to help alleviate these side effects in humans. 


Another animal study conducted early in 2006 in Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy showed promising effects. The mice in these trials had cancer cells. They were given an active hexose correlated compound supplement.  Buy Now